Dear Mama: the first pink line [guest post]

Dear Mama (to be), I see you, you are so excited and scared at the same time. You want to tell the world but you also want to keep this special secret. What if something goes wrong, so you wait. I see you mama, you are hungry and sick at the same time. You should eat...

Dear Mama: Milestone Delays [guest post]

Dear Mama, I see you crying because the doctor told you your son is behind on some of his milestones. I see you feeling like a failure because he can’t trace or even hold a pair of scissors. I see your frustration and hopelessness as your 5 year old goes to the...

Dear Mama: Enjoy the little things [guest post]

Dear Mama, I know it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but I promise you it’s there. I have to be honest though every diaper you change, sleepless night that you have, missed meals, potty training, all the laundry will not be remembered or appreciated....

Dear Mama – when PPD lies

Dear Mama, Do you know that you’re a great mama? I know a lot of times you don’t feel that way, but trust me when I say you are. Your mind is feeding you a lie that you are inadequate and unworthy of being your son’s mother, but you aren’t. Dear Mama, please hear me...

Dear Mama: When the Bills are Due

Dear Mama, I see you. You spend your days writing down numbers. You look at the bills and the account and you try to reconcile it all. You’ve ran into some hard times lately, but it’s not your fault. I know you blame yourself for there not being any money, but I want...

Dear Mama: NICU

Dear Mama of a NICU baby, I see you. I see the fear that sets in when those first signs of preterm labor happen. I see the panic and worry on your face as you listen to the doctor tell you everything that could possibly go wrong. I see the slight reassurance when the...